3 Ways Households and Neighborhoods Can Help Garbage Removal Companies Deal With Recyclable Waste
Recycling has been and is still a significant issue, especially if you consider the amount of information households and businesses have access to. Despite this, a lot still needs to be done, and garbage removal service providers are at the forefront of this fight. Waste removal services ensure less waste ends up in landfills which reduce pollution to the environment. However, garbage removal companies cannot do it all by themselves, and that is why households and communities must play their part. This article highlights practices that ensure garbage removal services have an easy time collecting and transporting recyclable waste to recycling plants.
Add Bins on Public Paths
Every household or business has two or three skip bins designated for recyclable plastics, glass and green waste. However, you will rarely find skip bins in public paths designated in such manner. Although local authorities are supposed to supply skip bins for public use, these are typically placed at a centralised location. It makes it difficult for people that use public paths to use the bins. Consequently, the persons will throw waste along the paths where garbage removal services won't go. Therefore, if a community added skip bins in commonly used public roads, it would be easy for passers-by to use the containers, thereby reducing the amount of waste littering the ground. Additionally, garbage removal services will have an easy time collecting public recyclable waste.
Rinse Plastic Containers of Food Remains
Although there has been significant growth of recycling plants since China stopped importing waste from Australia, the amount of waste produced is still overwhelming. For most service providers, the only way to cope is to promote good practices in waste disposal among households. One such practice is rinsing food containers before disposing of them. Unfortunately, some households don't do this and that them makes recycling work difficult because recycling companies don't have the time to sort then rinse stained recyclable containers. Eventually, the containers end up in landfills. Therefore, rinsing dirty recyclable containers before disposal makes the sorting process easy and allows the service provider to recycle more waste.
As mentioned earlier, even with the increase of recycling plants in the country, the plants still find it challenging to deal with the vast amount of plastic. It is for this reason that households are advised to up-cycle some of the plastics they might want to toss into the recyclable waste bin. For instance, using plastic bottles for drip irrigation purposes in your garden will go a long way in reducing the amount of waste garbage removal companies have to collect and recycle.